Musa paradisiaca
is an artist duo formed, in 2010, by Eduardo Guerra (1986-) and Miguel Ferrão (1986-), both based in Lisbon, Portugal.
“Imagine a series of encounters. They can be conversations between people or they can be a coming together of ideas, forms, and perceptions. After undergoing a series of interventions, the contradictions within the traces of these encounters become blurred. As this happens, the distinctions between the elements that comprise these encounters oscillate so they are no longer entirely separate and give way to ‘hybrid or interstitial content or objects”.
Claudia Pestana
“In Musa paradisiaca´s work one can always find this invitation to see the other, the other in an undifferentiated manner between thing, object, animal, human. One finds a different way of relating, not in an animistic way, but outside the academic or anthropological realm, (a world that I believe is very important to their work but that exists outside of it). Their work is much more fun, it points towards the future and imagines new possible relations more than looking behind to the academic traditions”.
Filipa Ramos
“Musa paradisiaca is social ab initio: the decentering of the modern speaking subject and ethical awareness of the slithering from A to B and its circuitous return in full potency of becoming”.
Sofia Lemos
“A new form of language that — instead of corresponding to the need to name the objects and experiences that make up our world (the task of representation) — comes from the pulsion to exteriorize what exists in the dictum (the speech) of the object, reappearing in the world as another outside itself”.
Susana Ventura
“So this new language of objects, this new relationship with the works that it gives rise to is also a language of the unspoken (…). A language of transgression, of the reinvention of meaning, of the performance of objecthood”.
Filipa Oliveira
Exhibited at
’Solar’, Appleton Box, Lisbon (2023); ‘New People’, Galeria Quadrado Azul, Lisbon (2021); ‘João’, O Armário, Lisbon (2021); ‘An animal with a backpack’, Galeria Quadrado Azul, Lisbon (2021); ‘The I of the Beeholder’, Fundação Carmona e Costa, Lisbon (2020); ‘Cavazaque Piu Piu’, Galeria Quadrado Azul, Porto (2019); ‘Curveball Memory’, Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto (2018); ‘Man with really soft hands’, Galeria Múrias Centeno, Lisbon (2017), and Frieze, London (2017); ‘Masters of velocity’, Dan Gunn Gallery, Berlin (2016); ‘Alma-bluco’, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch (2015); ‘Machines’ audition’, Kunsthalle Lissabon, Lisbon (2014); ‘Flowers’ audition’, 3+1 Arte Contemporânea, Lisbon (2014);
And also at
Horanggasy Artpolygon, Gwangju (2023); Fórum Cultural de Cerveira (2023); Centro de Arte Oliva, São João da Madeira (2023); CCCCB, Castelo Branco (2023); Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (2022); CAC Torres Vedras (2022), Frac des Pays de la Loire, Nantes (2022); Whitechapel Gallery, London (2019); MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon (2018); Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (2017); BoCA - Biennial of Contemporary Arts, Lisbon (2021 and 2017); Quetzal Art Centre, Vidigueira (2017); Vdrome, online (2017); ISELP, Brussels (2017); Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Lisbon (2017 and 2013); José de Guimarães International Art Centre, Guimarães (2016); Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, Porto (2016 and 2015); National Museum of Contemporary Art, Lisbon (2015); Videoex Film Festival, Zurique (2015); Malmö Art Academy - Moderna Museet, Malmö (2015); Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard, Paris (2015); Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2013); Cinemateca Portuguesa, Lisbon (2013).
Selected for
FLAD Drawing Prize (2021), Sonae Media Art Prize (2015), Prémio Novos - Artes Plásticas (2015) and EDP New Artists Prize (2013). Eduardo Guerra and Miguel Ferrão were individually selected for BES Revelação Prize (2010).
Part of
Coleção de Arte Contemporânea do Estado, Portugal; Collection Frac des Pays de la Loire, France; Modern Collection - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal; Serralves Foundation Collection - Contemporary Art Museum, Portugal; Portuguese Art Collection EDP Foundation, Portugal; De Bruin-Heijn Collection, Holanda; António Cachola Collection, Portugal; Norlinda and José Lima Modern and Contemporary Art Collection, Portugal; Figueiredo Ribeiro Collection, Portugal.
Represented by
Quadrado Azul (Lisbon and Porto)