April 1 — July 31, 2017
Quetzal Art Center, Vidigueira, Portugal
Collaboration I
Solo exhibition by Musa paradisiaca with António Poppe
Curated by Filipa Oliveira
September 28, 2018
Jachthuis Schijf, the Netherlands
Collaboration IV
Group exhibition
Curated by Aveline de Bruin and Filipa Oliveira
Musa paradisiaca’s work has always been collaborative. Bringing together persons linked by intellectual affinities, their temporary collaborations undertake a variety of forms. At the Quetzal Art Centre, they now present Teatro Máximo: a physical and mental space that places, for the first time, this pensive family in a real-time relationship, a direct dialogue with the objects produced by Musa paradisiaca. If the theatrical element was already evident in the practice of these artists, in this piece the universe of theatricality assumes a different form. ‘Máximo’ refers to the idea of a space of possibilities, of the great possibility — thought of as a virtual potentiality — of uniting all the practice of this duo: all they have done and all they will ever do.
Filipa Oliveira
Images by António Jorge Silva
Courtesy of Quetzal Art Center