




“What the world has to offer is a cancerous groin, a series of concave hollows. A tiny man sits across the harbour, packing gunpowder into a cluster of ashy holes, but nothing will stop biology from working. His face is jaundiced from observation and his eyes are deepest, charcoal grey. We, the world, the human disgraceful race, will persevere in an orgy of mastication. As the cancer rots our vision we will go on chewing, a flesh-eating monster. But that tiny man is too close to the vortex to resist consumption, and his is the clearest view”.



“I remember the multiple layers of a night incarcerated in a video prison. The pixels were daggers which flew past me at the speed of consumption. I saw every fragment of something which had a million routes past me. A syringe of mercury with me as the eye of the needle. The metallic, ocular taste of a reality more real than reality, which you can’t understand, which you don’t want to understand, and which protects me from you even now. You say I’m an object, but this is an audacity you do not know how to wield with any truth. I am a reflection of your fantastical dishonesty, and you have no idea of the loss you have always suffered”.



“The flatness of a vertical blue sky has nothing to do with death, but it also signifies no life. When we talk about the journey of the elements, we would be fools to ignore any pungent vapours. Our memories consist of sinews and tendons, and we are seduced by the urge to take that elasticity for granted. We must be grateful for those who redivert our gaze, back to the explosion. There is a blue heat within which nourishes us. It does not burn. When we hammer our kneecaps with our fists, maybe we kick sideways. Or maybe we just wake up”.



“The pressures of the flesh have no place in this conversation and the pressures of the earth are not your concern. If the daylight gives you cover for your assumptions, then you have earned not pity but contempt. Can you describe yourself? Can you say, with any certainty, what a human imprint means? You’ve arrived with a scorched-earth interpretation of reality, and I cannot find the energy to spit at it. So, I come to you with love and a renewed desire for mutual trust. As I sit here, I wonder if you will fulfil the dreams I have for you, my own lost lover. Our link is umbilical, a smashing of cortexes”.



“She came out of the long grass to give him her heart, but she was too late. He fired an arrow straight through her hand and we had no choice but to watch silently. A cosmic eternity would not have prepared us for the spectre of her form melting into the ground. You looked at me for protection and guidance and I shuddered at the thought of your needing either. The essence of that moment, its importance, was not lost on me but we both missed its beauty”.



“Do you understand what I am? Or who I am? I heard a story about a man who walked into a restaurant and ordered the soup but was given the fish. This was a loss of perspective from which he could not recover, and his four dimensions became two at rocket speed. If your one can become three, we can meet and perhaps even embrace. It will be as cold as your eyes, but it will be beautiful. I bent my body backwards for you because I wanted you close. Do you step back in fear or flirtation? This is your decision, and it comes with atomic implications”.