In 2015, Musa paradisiaca received a letter from João Carlos Costa, a 19-year-old autistic young man who believed that the collaborative approach to work that defines Musa paradisiaca could be a means to represent his voice in the world. The letter was set aside for a few years, the subject being a delicate and difficult one, but the relationship between Musa paradisiaca and João Carlos kept growing and solidifying. They had, indeed, one common goal: the search for hyper-sensibility in the world.

Filipa Oliveira

Languages: English, Portuguese
Size: 225 × 290 mm
Pages: 128
Illustrations: Color illustrations
Format: Hardcover
Print run: 500
ISBN: 978-989-9006-26-3
Date: 2020

Musa paradisiaca, Eduardo Guerra, Miguel Ferrão, Filipa Oliveira, Manuel Rosa

Filipa Oliveira, João Carlos Costa, Lotte Allan

Manuel Rosa

Co-published by:
Sistema Solar Crl (Documenta)
Fundação Carmona e Costa